ISO 7 cleanroom plastic injection moulding for medical devices |Innovamed


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The purpose of this Legal Notice is to inform users of, domiciled in C/Napols,  13  whose responsible for the treatment is INNOVAMED SPAIN, S. L. , of which is its policy of protection of the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data according to the General Regulation of Data Protection (GRDP) that its users provide freely and voluntarily.



INNOVAMED SPAIN, S. L.  You are aware that you have your personal data specified in the corresponding register of activities of the company's treatment called Web User Management.
The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the consent obtained from the owner of the treatment at the time of completing our online form and expressly accept it.
The purpose of the creation, existence and maintenance is the processing of the data with the exclusive purposes of being able to make effective the request for information.



The recipients of the information are all departments, compartments, premises and associated entities in which it is organized INNOVAMED SPAIN, S. L.  and will not be assigned to any third party except in cases where there is a legal obligation.



In any case, you have the right to obtain confirmation about whether INNOVAMED SPAIN, S. L.  We are treating your personal data so you have the right to access your personal data, rectify inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary.



All fields of the online form marked with an asterisk are required to be completed in order to make effective your request for information.



The Web has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures, according to the security level of data protection that corresponds to it legally, to guarantee the security of the processing of personal data that constitute its automated file. However, the user must be aware that currently Internet security measures are not impregnable and therefore are not safe from possible illegal and undue interference, which would not be the responsibility of the user.INNOVAMED SPAIN, S. L. , since she has acted with due diligence to protect the data as determined by law.



The cookies policy of the Web it is determined in the corresponding section. 



The Web will do everything possible because your data is always up to date. However, the responsibility for the quality of the data depends on the owner of them, hence if there is any change in the data the user of the web will communicate to the File Manager, declining this responsibility in case of omitting their obligation to notify changes.



The provision of the service of this Web and the present conditions of Use of the Website are governed by the Spanish Law. For any discrepancy in the execution, interpretation, fulfillment of these conditions, the parties submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals.




Privacy Policy




INNOVAMED SPAIN, S. L.  - B65750374, with address in C/Napols,  13.  08210 Barberà del Vallès. Telephone 937184011 and mail:




The purpose of the creation, existence and maintenance is the processing of the data with the exclusive purposes of being able to make our service effective, and perform the billing thereof.




The legal basis for the processing of your data is the execution of the commercial relationship between the owner of the data and the data controller and such personal information will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or for the time strictly necessary to comply with legal obligations.




The data provided will be kept as long as the provision of the service is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations




During the processing of the data of the interested party, INNOVAMED SPAIN, S. L.  will not transfer the data to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation.
In the cases in which, for the performance of administrative, fiscal, accounting and / or commercial treatments, the services of third parties are available, the mandatory contract of treatment manager will be duly formalized, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data of the interested party in front of third parties.




Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request the deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose they were delivered as well as withdraw the consent granted. The exercise of opposition to the processing of your data for sending advertising information electronically. You can also exercise your right to the limitation of the treatment, so that your data will not be deleted but the treatment of the same will be subject to limitations. The portability and decision automation exercises do not apply in this case because of the type of data and their treatment.

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