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New study on the manufacture of Healthcare Technology in Catalonia


New study on the manufacture of Healthcare Technology in Catalonia

A few weeks ago we were present at the presentation of the study 'Study on the manufacture of Healthcare Technology in Catalonia' developed by Fenin.



It was a very interesting event in which, in addition to presenting the conclusions of the study, a round table was held between members of different strata of the sector, to address what should be the strategies to boost the health technology industry in Catalonia, which yielded interesting reflections.



From Innovamed, we wanted to highlight some of the data that emerged from the study and that could be the subject of an extensive discussion on their own.


  • Catalonia manufactures 35% of the healthcare technology in Spain, but this margin is being reduced.


  • Single-use medical devices is the sector with the largest segment (36%), followed by the in vitro diagnostics subsector and electromedicine (both with 22%), sterilization products (15%), medical furniture and equipment (14%), the dental subsector (13%), cardiovascular (7%) and trauma implants (5%).


  • Seventy-three percent of Catalan companies invest in R&D&I and 30% allocate more than 10% of their turnover to this activity.


  • Eighty-six percent of the companies in the sector in Catalonia are SMEs.


  • Comparing this study with previous years, there is an increase in the sector of component manufacturers, in which Innovamed is located, reaching 15% of the total.


In conclusion, this new Study on the production of medical technology in Catalonia, aims to present a realistic and updated picture of the industry in this community, with special emphasis on the manufacturing sector and the internationalization of companies.



"The Health Technologies sector is crucial for the health of our society. Thanks to technological advances and sustainable innovation we have better diagnostics, treatments and services for the care of our health. This translates economically into an increase of efficiency in the healthcare field and a rationalization and reduction of the associated costs".

Marc Pérez, president of Fenin Catalonia

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BIOCAT BCN Medicare Industrial Hub Health Tech Cluster Fenin - Federación Española de Empresas de Tecnología Sanitaria
Virtual conference

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