ISO 7 cleanroom plastic injection moulding for medical devices |Innovamed

Innovamed will be part of the new BCN MEDICARE Industrial Hub


Innovamed will be part of the new BCN MEDICARE Industrial Hub
Innovamed will be part of the new BCN MEDICARE Industrial Hub Innovamed will be part of the new BCN MEDICARE Industrial Hub Innovamed will be part of the new BCN MEDICARE Industrial Hub

Last June the creation of the BCN MEDICARE INDUSTRIAL HUB was finalized and its official presentation will take place next September coinciding with the launching of the HUB website. 



This 100% industrial HUB is made up of 7 companies with experience in the field of medical device manufacturing, ranging from design engineering, component machining, plastic component injection, electronic circuit manufacturing and bar turning, among other production capabilities. 



The objective of the new HUB is to be able to offer, at a local level, integral solutions to companies for the pre-industrialization and industrialization of new Medical Devices, strengthening the national industrial fabric and providing alternatives so as not to depend on manufacturing centers, mostly in Asia, with the risks that such long supply chains entail, as has been demonstrated in recent years. 



Innovamed's incorporation in this HUB is part of the Glocalization policy already mentioned in previous newsletters. 


In September 2021 we will present the operation and details of the new BCN MEDICARE INDUSTRIAL HUB.


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